Close "Click restore pages"s browser popup

Is there any way to to close “restore pages” popup in chrome browser. In the Initializing stage i’m killing all the processes related to chrome browser and excel activities. Then after opening the chrome browser it shows a restore pages popup which i can’t close. I need to close that popup because it hides the user icon and the logout buton. I tried using click image activity and send hot-key activity by pressing the ESC key. But i didn’t able to close that restore pages popup screen.

Also i have tried the editing the preferences of the chrome browser which leads me to minimized window. there for its not working. Is there any other ways to close this window.image


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Check below link

Disable Chrome session restore popup - Super User.

Mark as solution if this helps


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Hello @harshajayasinghe,

Go to : C:\Users..ur user name…\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\UserData\Default"

Open Preferences file and edit
“exit_type” : “none”

save the file as read only.

Hope this helps !!



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