How to Close message box activity automatically?

Hi @manju1992

For a simple Yes/No, it is possible to use a power shell script. See this project as an example:

#Value  Description   
#0 Show OK button. 
#1 Show OK and Cancel buttons. 
#2 Show Abort, Retry, and Ignore buttons. 
#3 Show Yes, No, and Cancel buttons. 
#4 Show Yes and No buttons. 
#5 Show Retry and Cancel buttons. 

$a = new-object -comobject 
$intAnswer = $a.popup("Question?",2,"Title",4) #first number is timeout, second is display.

#7 = no , 6 = yes, -1 = timeout (2.5 KB)

I took the idea for the script from here. Make sure to read the docs of the PowerShell command, as those will tell you what input is returned :slight_smile: The script returns a number and you have to interpret it according to this table.