How to click target area instead of an element? or workaround


Im trying to work through this list,

Each time i complete one its removed from the list so when i re-run the automation to start the next one on the list the previous completed ones removed and the program fails to continue due to looking for the old one.

Ive tried using a for each ui element with click for Current element and it seems not to work and then move onto the next step which fails because that page didnt open, Am I doing something wrong or is there a better alternative to achieve this?

Any helps greatly appreciated, Thanks!


How about the following step?

First, get the table as datatable using TableExtraction or DataScraping
Next, Iterate the datatable using ForEachRow
In the loop, Click target element dynamically using aaname or inner text attribute from the datatable.


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Am I on the right path here? Sorry im a little new and still learning my way around, What should I have for the Values/Items?


First, set content of Cards Week/Date column to string type variable (Let’s say straaname)

straaname = CurrentRow("Cards Week/Date").ToString


straaname = "*"+CurrentRow("Cards Week/Date").ToString+"*"

Then, Indicate target in Click activity. Please use Strict Selector and have it aaname attribute (please use UiExploere if necessary)
Next, open Selector Editor for strict selector and set aaname as dynamic as the following.

Also check the following document.


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I believe Im on the right path here, Just unsure on how to do the extract table dataa for extra to and how to select a value for data table in th For Each Row in Data Table


First, Create datatable variable at “Extract to” property of TableExtraction.
Then set it at DataTable property of ForEachRow



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