For each ui element issues unable to loop through

so im trying to loop through a website to click on the like button for each listing, when i use for each ui n click it just press one of the ads after that it doesnt repeat again for the next few any advice??

Hi @xinjie00

What is the purpose of first and second click activity.

The first click used to click on each advertisement and second click used to give like to that. If my assumption is Correct.

Then The first click will work properly, for second click you have given anchor to the 78likes mean count of likes. For every ad there is no count of likes equal then don’t indicate anchor to that, change the indication of anchor which element is stable in every ad.

Hope it helps!!

so my main end goal its to press into each ads n press the chat button to send a custom message, but it just did for the first ui element n it stop, its not going through each element on the website to repeat the task

Okay @xinjie00

Could you please share any screenshot, how the ad will be in pattern it will be horizontally or vertically. If the information is not confidential then share us screenshots.


Welcome to the community

  1. I believe you have given ads on the for each ui element and try to click on it
  2. Later in second click you are using a static selector which is only applicable for first ad or the only add you have selected…you need to make the selector generic or dynamic to fit for any ad button\for point 2 try to open selector and remove or use wild cards where you see some specific add information so that the selector can be applicable for any ad


@mkankatala @Anil_G hi this is what the webpage look like, its on horizontally align all the same design

Drag and drop the for each Ui element activity and indicate on the first design it will automatically extract the other elements.

If above is not working indicate the each element and try.

Hope you understand!!