Yes you will be still able to click the name if it’s too long also just place the variable into the strict selector and after the variable just give an * so that what ever th data that come’s after the data that is stored in the variable it will consider the entire thing.
In the attached xaml I have taken an input variable with some data stored in it and passed that input variable into the click activity in the strict selector. Make sure when you are using the strict selector you need to uncheck the remaining selector’s like fuzzy, CV, Native , Image because they will store the data when we are indicating the element so in our case we need to make the click activity dynamic so you need to uncheck the remaining selector’s and only check the strict selector so that the click activity will work accordingly to the data that we have stored in that strict selctor.
After passing the variable into the strict selector I have given the * after the variable because I need to click the entire document word or the docu word what ever it might be so in your case after sending the data into strict through an variable and if the data arised in the website is longer than the data you have passed into the strict then also it should be able to click the word we needed so for that case I have given the * after the variable.
Click on the Open in UI Explorer which is shown below and a new window will be opened and in that from right side you can select the attributes you needed so click the aaname attribute from that @yangyq10
Just select the aaname from there and there after click on save and comeback to the before window and then select the value and replace that with the variable you have initialized and later place the * after that variable and it works!!
Select the entire value you wanted to replace and then use the right click and then you can see the option os use variable and click on that and you will be asked to select the variable, click the appropriate variable and click ok and then the variable will be re-placed with the value and later place the * beside the variable. @yangyq10
Thank you for staying with me. It can run now
But for those customer name with long text, RPA can’t click it and it just stay in original web page without jumping to the hyperlink