How to click a date in a datepicker

I have to click a date from a date picker from a web page…I have used click activities and edited the selector and make it as dynamic selector with variable day, month and year. But its not pointing correctly…Can any one please help me.

this is my dynamic selector:

<html app='chrome.exe' title='*/dailyMenu.html*' /> <webctrl aaname=' « {{month}} {{curYear}} » Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Today Clear' tag='TABLE' /> <webctrl tag='TD' aaname='{{day}}' />

By using this selector if I give 29 april 2020 ,then it is pointing towards march 29.

Can u show me what other tags are available in Ui explorer

Can you try using tableCol and tableRow attributes and use type into activity for entering the required date

No, Its not possible.
The only way is to click a date to a data picker.

can u click a random date and show me what is available in the selector

<html app='chrome.exe' title='*/dailyMenu.html*' /> <webctrl aaname=' « April 2020 » Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Today Clear' tag='TABLE' /> <webctrl tableCol='4' tableRow='6' tag='TD' />

The date I had selected is 15 April 2020.

Instead of row and column I need day and here April and 2020 needs to be stored in a variable.

“ <webctrl” +varDay+ “tag=‘TD’ />”

Can u try this by assigning the variable with some dates

“ <webctrl” +varDay+ “tag=‘TD’ />”