I am trying to select a date from a date picker.
Stuck at one place where I have to select a date from below image
here top row contains a inactive date from the previous month which is highlighted
and i want to select the bottom 28.
The selection of the date will be dynamic.
but bot is always clicking on the first row and selecting 28.
Could someone let me know how can I select the bottom 28 and this can come at any row its not fixed.
Use Click activity and Indicate the element, now open the Selector and click on UiExplorer
there you can see the different selectors which will be unique
i found a difference between the class attribute
rich-calendar-cell-size rich-calendar-cell rich-calendar-boundary-dates
rich-calendar-cell-size rich-calendar-cell rich-calendar-btn
I can use the IF activity to check the difference,
But how I will make the bot to click on the enabled date?
No need to use an If, just add the attribute that you want to use to the selector. Seems like “aaname” and “class” would be the attributes you need. To “aaname” you could to pass the attribute value in a variable.