How to check robot avaibility status


We have 3 login accounts on production and have robots for same. We are not using orchestrator for now as it is costly for us.
Now trying to trigger automation script when mail with specific subject will come into outlook like below script

My question is i have to identify which robot is free from my 3 available sessions /robots.
how can i get the status of robot in “available” or unavailable" kind of or in different way using any code ?
is it possible or any other option? please suggest.
@Palaniyappan @sagacity @vvaidya @whyyouandi @Nived @NIVED_NAMBIAR

Hi @Mathkar_kunal
use orchestrator api call for this

Source :

Nived N
Happy Automation

But we are not using orchestrator ,is any other way possible?

what u are asking status about robot is related to orchestrator it seems :thinking:

No, as we are not using orchestrator . i just wanted to check is robot is running on sessions or not so i can run my process on particular session using bat file

u mean the workflow is running or not in the local system ?

Yes , on any of my prod sessions

I think powershell u can use to check which process is running or not

u know the exact powershell command ?

How do you check the robot is running or not via PowerShell command. Please share.