Hi All,
Is there any possible way to change the queue item status " inProgress" to “Retried”?
I want to change the status of an item to treat the last one
Thanks and Regards,
Hi All,
Is there any possible way to change the queue item status " inProgress" to “Retried”?
I want to change the status of an item to treat the last one
Thanks and Regards,
The status is limited to a set of choices and cannot be set to Retried.
Hi @Aissaoui_Taha - “In Progress” transaction Items can not be edited.
Hi @Aissaoui_Taha,
you cannot edit the status of the item through orchestrator.
Here is what I did:
Since I have a lot of test cases for debugging that set transaction items to status in progress, I created a workflow that retrieves all queue items from a certain queue in status “in Progress” and set the status of all to “failed”
Thus resetting all my testdata.
I liked your ides, But how did you read only the transaction which are in “in-progress” from the queue ?
Could you please give details on that?
Hi @chiranth_hn,
I used a “get queue items” activity (https://docs.uipath.com/activities/docs/get-queue-items), chose only item in status “in Progress”, iterated through the resulting iEnumarable with a “for each” and inside the for each I used a “set transaction status” to set them to “failed”.