How to change transaction item status " inProgress " to "New"

Hi All,

Is there any possible way to change the queue item status " inProgress" to “New”?

I have one idea( Mark the transaction item status is “faulted” and add the same transaction item again to the queue )

I am expecting another solution.

if you have any solution for the above problem. please let me know

Thanks and Regards,

It is not possible to change the queue item status from progress to new.
You have to add the same transaction item to the queue again.


Thanks @KarthikByggari

It i snot possible to manually chnage it.
However through automation you can achieve it by using Postpone Transaction activity .
You can explore about Postpone Transaction activity to make queue item status change from “Inprogress” to “New” via Automation.


Thanks @Thiviya . Its working.

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