How to change process resolution in modern folders

I;ve a modern folder in my on-premise orchestrator. I would like to run a process with 1920 X 1080 resolution and another process with 1455 X 574 resolution.

How I can do this when my process is configured through modern folders (because there is no robot tab in modern folders) ?

You can edit the screen resolution in the Robot settings by going to Tenant->Manage Access and then edit the account connected to your robot.

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Hi @suripaleru

Login to Orchestrator and change the Runtime settings (Resolution Width, Height and Depth) for the Robot

Check out the thread

If you want to change the Robot resolution, it is recommended to use an RDP session and set the Login To Console option to No. Take into account that a new session must be created for the resolution settings to take effect, so you need to log off and then log back in again

Check out the document
