How to build a project using command line outside of UiPathStudio

I am trying to build the xaml file projects using uirobot.exe /file:“absolute path”. It does create the json file but throws an error. I have looked at the help section but can’t see a straight forward way to mimic what studio does when published via GUI. As I understand it first builds the json and then creates a nuget package.

Is there a link which has more details on these commands?

I am trying to split this process via command line so I can build the projects via teamcity → create nuget packages using teamcity’s build number and push it to our nuget server. Once done, they can then be deployed/published to Orchestrator via our deployment tool “Octopus Deploy”.

Any information on command line options available would be much appreciated.

Resolved myself.

Hi @taimoor
I’m trying to do something similar.
What command did you end up using?
How did you find teamcity and octopus deploy for building and deployment?

Thanks for sharing

Hi taimoor,

I also need to build from command line and am not finding any docs on this topic in UiPath blog.

Please post the solution you created and maybe it will find its way into some official docs for the rest of use to use. Thank you.

So there is actually no build step required to get into an automated pipeline. You would need to do the following:

  1. Make sure the process files along with the nuspec and json files are checked into your source control. You can publish the package from the sutio when not connected to Orchestrator and that’ll give you the nuspec and json files. You may want to amend the nuspec to add the files you want to include. Something like below just before :
  1. Publish the package into your nuget server or if you want to publish it via the same CI build above, just run nuget exe and push the package onto orchestrator.

We have been using this pipeline for around 6 months now and seems to be working as expected. I personally don’t like publishing packages from the studio so it’s a must for us. Others may disagree :slight_smile:

Thank you taimoor for the clarification. Appreciated.

Yes, we wish to publish/promote up the stack from source control using IBM UrbanCode.

Hi @taimoor,

Could you provide the steps to publish UiPath project via Command line.

Thanks in advance


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Hi taimoor

I am trying to Automate the deployment from Bamboo.
Can we build the Nuget package from command line directly
Do you have information on it