How to Automate transfer of data from Excel to powerpoint Slides using Uipath Studio

How to Automate transfer of data from Excel to powerpoint Slides using UiPath Studio.

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Welcome to UiPath forum

If u just want to create a table in powerpoint douses as same as in excel

  1. Then read the excel file with read range activity and get the output as dt datatable

  2. Now u can use add datatable to slides activity


if u want to use only certain values from excel

  1. Then same have it as datatable dt

  2. Use for each row in datatable activity and pass dt as input
    Inside the loop use add text to slide activity

Have a view on these videos for more insights

Hope this helps

Cheers @Sunita_Patnaik

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Take Number of Files in Input as Array of Strings each time and take count of files using var_arrstring.Length and pass as dynamic value for Slide Index.


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