Am using Get Outlook mail message and fetch the unread mail with particular subject and copy those data into excel.
Now am opening a website and need to create the data one by one from excel, which am able to do it .
Question is how should I add flag and change the status in excel.
Thanks in Advance
If your using try catch in workflow No problem you can use within a try block
can you try like this, follow below steps:
Read Excel as ReadDt
Use Insert Column -Check properties column name -“Status”,Datatable-ReadDt
Take One Assign activity-Counter=2
For Each row passing -ReadDt
For Example,Suppose While Entering Data into portal the Employee Details are Empty or incorrect -check conditions.
Use Assign-Status=“Failure”
Use Write cell Activity -mention cell values- K+Counter
Assign -Counter-Counter +1- It will increment the counter cell value