How to add flag and status success or fail in the excel

Hi All,

Am using Get Outlook mail message and fetch the unread mail with particular subject and copy those data into excel.
Now am opening a website and need to create the data one by one from excel, which am able to do it .
Question is how should I add flag and change the status in excel.
Thanks in Advance

Hi @Dimple,

After entering data into website, you can use insert column activity as status and use write cell activity inside the loop.

Hope this helps.


@1996 , am using try catch here. Where in Try i add all the activity which I enter in website.
So can you please guide where to add column activity.


If your using try catch in workflow No problem you can use within a try block

can you try like this, follow below steps:

Read Excel as ReadDt
Use Insert Column -Check properties column name -“Status”,Datatable-ReadDt
Take One Assign activity-Counter=2
For Each row passing -ReadDt
For Example,Suppose While Entering Data into portal the Employee Details are Empty or incorrect -check conditions.

Use Assign-Status=“Failure”
Use Write cell Activity -mention cell values- K+Counter
Assign -Counter-Counter +1- It will increment the counter cell value


Let me known if need any clarification.

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Please find attached workflow

Main.xaml (41.8 KB)

If solution is working for you mark it as as solution


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