How to add each DataRow of a Datatable to Queue as separate Transaction Items?

Hi All,

I have a datatable and I want to upload each of its row as a single transaction item on to Queue. How can I do that ?
Is there any functions available or do I need to create a each key value pair for current row columns?
And also will I be able to fetch each column using Specific Content method on transaction item?

Hi @Ayush_Raj

use the for each row in data table and within that use the add queue item activity and you can pass each row into the queue as a single transaction item.

->Pass the queue name that you created in the orchestrator into the queue name field.
->by clicking the item information you get the popup as shown in the left side so in the key field give the key names(String) so that it helps in the process state for getting a specific value and in the value field pass the CurrentRow(“ColumnName”).ToString.




Check the below thread