How many robot accounts can use connected machine?


I am wondering if there is any maximum number of uniqe robot users, which can use the same machine.

Short description:
I have a template machine with one host connected to it, for example vm1.
I also have multiple robot accounts (different logins) assigned to the same folder as a machine.
I’d like to sequentially run 10 processes, one after another, using different logins (ie. user1, user2…).

Is it possible to run these on a different login each time? Is there any limitation regardin this?

Thank you!

The limits come down to your hardware and your licences.

Firstly, hardware.
Most machines have a limit of the number of concurrent users, this is by default 2. So unless you change this via policy on two robot users can be using the machine at the same time.

Now regarding running 10 processes across different users. Yes I believe this is possible, if you have 10 licences.

A robot user on a machine will connect with the Orchestrator and grab a licence. It then keeps that licence until the machine is disconnected.
Its a first come first serve situtuation.

So if you have 1 licence you’d end up with one of the 10 accounts you configured grabbing that licence and holding on to it. The other 10 would not connect.
If you want to use the same licence it requires alot of micomanaging to switch it around.
The licence is not ‘floating’ on the machine and assigned dynamically and released when done.

So, that’s why I mentioned sequential runs. I don’t want to run them concurrent, but one after another.
I am not sure if you are right regarding switching licenses between users. When you are setting up a template machine, you just select number of production runtimes used there, but you don’t specify any specific user. And later, at the process level, you can assign any robot user to this machine, so I think, that this license ‘floats’, but I am not sure.

Documentation would be helpful here, but I can not find the correct page.


I hope this helps


I know, and I answered what will happen if you try to run them sequentially on different robot accounts whilst trying to share a licence.
The first robot will keep the licence and stop the others from running.

I have tested this in the past.