How can i write queue data to excel data i have existing excel

How can i write queue data to excel data i have existing excel

Hi team,
Is there anyone who can help me

HI @Sandhya_Gajare

Checkout this thread


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hi @Sudharsan_Ka i have to add queue to to existing excel

there is some condition if condition match then i have to write that emp details to excel that excel i allready have

if this condition is true then i am reading the excel in which i have to add that emp details from excel

here i am reading the excel in which i have to add that emp details from queue

Hello @Sandhya_Gajare

You can use GEt Transaction Item and then use Add Datat\row to add that to a datatable.
Then use Write Range to write to Excel.

But here the status of transaction item will get change to Inprogress once you retrieve the item from queue using Get Queue Item.


i am using reframework here so in process satate i allready featch data

from queue check condition now simple if my condition match i have to add that emp deatils from queue to another excel
can you provide me code plz

can i get code what you taking about

Then use


out_transactionItem is the variable of type Queue item.

You need to use SpecificContent to get the value from the queueitem variable.


can you plz give me the code i will share my code here
HCMJoinersAssignment1Performer (2).zip (2.8 MB)
here you will get idea what i am trying to say and what i need to do plz help me out

hi can anybody plz help me out