How are orchestrator queues different from any excel based framework?

Hi All,

Orchestrator queues provides us with varioua functionalities of maintaining data and their logs. But the same functionality can be implemented with any excel based framework. Can you let me know what functionality of orchestrator queues are there which cannot be implemented with an excel based or any other db based framework?

Any findings on this - i’ve a orchestrator setup without kibana and elastisearch - going for powerbi - but it’s not ready to be implemented yet

Hi @Pranav_Nikam

Kindly correct me if i have understood the query wrongly
I hope we can use excel based framework but not with whole data in it, assigned to a queue.
–either we can pass the datatable variable to queues, where this datatable is obtained from read range activity or
–we can pass the excel file path to the queue, which we can fetch from the queue back to our studio and use that file path to get the file, open it and read or write, perform any operations we want
–still we can pass them as datarow or datacolumn but we need to be careful while fetching and using them…
and for more info on this kindly have a view on this that could add some more insights on this

Cheers @Pranav_Nikam

Thanks for your answer Palaniyappan

I was indoctrinated with Blue Prism and i don’t feel i find the same ease in treatment of queues in uipath.

I have a large excelfile with lots of data (100+ rows and 35~ columns)

My goal :

  • be able to put extra data into the queue items at different checkpoints in the process (eg. the result of a lookup before the main process)
  • call data out of queue.item picked.
  • Call out an item with a custom status - eg. “2nd checkpoint completed” mby even a specific type of transaction item.specificcontent(“Debitor exists”) = False
  • have a nice overview of the data when it is in queue - what I got with a test process wasn’t easy to decipher.
  • set up automatic deletion of logs (30 days mby) - haven’t set this up for my excelbased queue yet

I got Excel to do this