I am wondering if there is a way to hide a queue item temporarily so that it does not process the next time the automation is run, but also so that it is not deleted and needs to re-added to the queue.
For example, say I have a queue with 5 items remaining. Is there a way to pick 3 specific items of those 5 and run the process and leave the other 2 for another time? Or is the only way to delete those 2 from the queue and re-add them?
You can set a custom status for those items that you want to skip for the current run. For example, you can create a custom status called “Skipped” or “On Hold.”
In your automation process, when processing the items from the queue, add logic to check the status of the queue item. If the status is set to “Skipped” or “On Hold,” you can skip processing that item and move on to the next one.
When you want to process those “Skipped” or “On Hold” items in the future, you can change their status back to “New” or any other relevant status that indicates they are ready to be processed again.
For this you can use “Set Transaction Status” activity.