Hi, My workflow is not going in trycatch when encounter an error


My workflow is not going in catch when an error encounter. To introduce an error when IE launch i close the browser and workflow should go in catch to display an error and trigger a mail but it stuck in workflow and highlight the activity.

that means you are debugging the workflow. Do enable continue on exception in debug option or execute as by clicking on run


Try to run the file instead of Debug File

Also share your error screenshot


I am executing by clicking on run

Its working fine when i am debugging the code but when when i execute the run the trycatch which i implemented is not displaying in code and when i stop the run and load the workflow is start displaying.
conclusion is trycatch is not showing when i am running the code.

See the screenshot. and please let me know what is the issue. if you want i will share the xaml.


In debug mode you will always get the error details, thats why it stops

But in run mode the try catch will execute

Mark as solution if this helps


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As stated by @Srini84. You are executing in Debug mode, Try to Run rather then doing debugging.