Here's some basic question about Teamwork(Version Control) on UiPath I want to ask

Hi everyone,

I’ve some questions want to know and appreciate for providing any suggestion.

I belong to a RPA Team and dedicate on developing the program. Our members are almost just graduated from Uni or just has some few experience on software Development, Hence, We do not have so much of Teamwork experience.

I want to know,

  1. Version Control
    At the present, we management the version of the Process of each Project which each of our members developed. It’s fine and what we should do.
    But the question is, whether should we control the Version of Development Tool(UiPath Studio & Robot) no matter in Development Environment or Production Environment*?

For example, we developed the project on Studio 2019.4.4(Development) and run on the Robot 2019.4.4(Production).

Now I suggest to upgrade to Studio 2019.10.4(Development) since there’s new features we may use and I evaluate there’s no impact if we upgrade.

We both agreed it’s OK to upgrade the Robot to 2019.10.4(Production), but we have dissension on upgrade Studio(Development) to 2019.10.4 since my team member concerned it’s possible the process we developed at first on 2019.4.4 after migrate to 2019.10.4 may not be executed on Robot 2019.4.4(Production), so he suggest not to upgrade. Otherwise; due to the version control, he suggest all of our team keep using 2019.4.4 instead of upgrade to 2019.10.4.

Here’s my questions:

  1. On my experience, (The project below is created on 2019.4.4 at the beginning)
    1.1 Project(2019.4.4) run on Robot(2019.4.4)–OK
    1.2 Project(2019.4.4) run on Robot(2019.10.4)–OK
    1.3 (No matter the project migrate from 4.4 to 10.4, or develop on 10.4 at the beginning)
    Project(2019.10.4) run on Robot(2019.4.4)–OK(It’s ok but might be failed if using the new features or dependencies)
    1.4 Project(2019.10.4) run on Robot(2019.10.4)–OK

  2. Version Control is management of the version of our projects no doubt, but should we version control all of our team members version of development Tool(Studio)?
    Isn’t it depend on the project we need to develop to change the version flexibly or even we just use the new version(2019.10.4) tool to develop the old one(2019.4.4) is fine.

Please feel free to give me some advice, we have so much basic knowledge not sure clearly

Thank you for everyone for providing any suggestion.

Really appreciate to everyone for reading such a long story