Help to read XML invoices

hi people, I need to read XML files (Invoices ) from a folder and then transform to a excel format - 1 line for each invoice item

I review some videos and solutions for XML data extraction but those XML has particular structure as you see in the picture.

the structure has a namespace, so this is necesary to deserialice the XML - Done

My problem is that I can not get the information from the elements
I review diferent modes, but can not get the data.
1.- Descendants

2.- Finding the tag element

both sentence retrieve 0 items

archivoXML.Descendants(xmlNS + “InvoiceLine”)
archivoXML.Root.Elements(xmlNS + “InvoiceLine”)

please any recomendation/suggestion/help?

Have a look here:

it will also help with the analysis of which namespace is to use. Keep in mind that multiple namespaces are defined within the XML and may be to handle for the extractions