Help!Level3 assignment1

Hello @Sandeep.

thanks once again. i have done as advised and finally can see the extracted table data up to the point where i pass the filter for WI5, Open items but i am still unable to see anything in the variable meant to hold the WI5 items hence a repeat “Assign TransactionID: Index was outside the bounds of the array.” Transaction number was set to 0 and 1 on different occassions still the same error

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Set transaction number to 1
Out_transactionitem=workitem_dt(transaction number-1)


@sandeep13 yes i did this as well after my last message to you but it still failed because the WI list variable containing the filtered items was empty.
Hence no data was being passed to my array.

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Please send you workflow or screenshot if possible


Hello @sandeep13. Thanks for the continued help. Please see workflow /project here

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problem not in your workflow
Go to ACME test site
UserOption-> Reset Test Data then Reset data



@sandeep13 yes this was the problem. the first time i completed the task while testing before i came here. I did not realize that it had updated the status of the WI5 items so a reset was all i needed. Sigghhhh. Thanks a lot

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