Guys please tell me what is wrong in my Project? I am stuck for almost a week now? If possible correct and send?

Please run the “GenerateFakeName.xaml” file.

Also Please correct it if possible???

Open the four files before execution:-1:

  1. Main
  2. GenerateFakeName
  3. FormDetails
  4. AgeGroupCategories

Also these 4 files are invoked by each other.

Please run generateFakeName.xaml file and see why is it showing excption
thanks and regardss, (1.3 MB)

I’m not sure what you’re trying to do here. The Main workflow isn’t invoking anything else - you need to call the other workflows from one “Main” workflow (typically that’s what the Main.xaml file does - for obvious reasons :))

The Main workflow is currently only opening the browser and then trying to write some values to a csv file - headers I guess?

Could you explain more about what is not working please?


Use the try catch in order to do the interactive interface.

HI @Error,

i have modified you code now working fine, please check it if you have any problem let you know.
way off passing arguments is wrong please correct it

please change the write cell path in this project (53.2 KB)

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