Gmail Trigger

Actually I want To create a one small POC
whenever the new gmail arrived the subject will displayed in the message box using trigger

Help me to resolve this.

Hi @krishna_priya1

Try to utlize the integration services in UiPath :slight_smile:

Thanks & Regards,
Nived N


next what should I do in UiPath can you explain it
and how to use the Trigger scope for Gmail in UiPath

Hi @krishna_priya1

Check this tutorial on how to work with integration services

Thanks & Regards,
Nived N


Follow the steps

  1. Create a integration service with gmail .
  2. Inthat you have trigger for when a email arrived…add that trigger event
  3. Now in studio…download the mail activities and then add trigger for email arrived

Few documentations for your reference

Thank you guys
for helping me
Actually I given a wrong machine Name Now my problem resolved