Email Trigger via Integration Service --> How can the process read the email?

Hello there,

I’m studying the possibility to trigger a process when email is received. I’ve come upon the Integration Service and I’ve created a connection and a trigger when an email is received.

Now comes the question here: Is there any way to get the trigger email Subject and Body (for instance)? As far as I see, the trigger pass some string type arguments to the process but none of them contain any information about the email

 Input Values: Object
UiPathEventConnector: uipath-google-gmail
UiPathEventObjectType: Message
UiPathEventObjectId: 18c1b3217020d84a
UiPathTime: Wed Nov 29 2023 14:12:06 GMT+0100 (Central European Standard Time)
UiPathAdditionalEventData: {"processedEventId":"pp-794c3476-7930-438d-87e3-25e01a9f57f3-258777-1701263527005"}

I guess that the process could use Use Gmail activity, however this is not optimal at all (it will trigger the OAuth 2.0 Authentication in the machine, this is not a good scenario for unattended machines, as it would open the browser and ask for authentication

Any ideas about this?

Thanks a lot guys,


Hello again

Posting my solution, just in case! (I realized the the UiPathEventObjectId is the same as Email Id, hence this can be used as the event trigger pass UiPathEventObjectId to the process)


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