Hello there,
I’m studying the possibility to trigger a process when email is received. I’ve come upon the Integration Service and I’ve created a connection and a trigger when an email is received.
Now comes the question here: Is there any way to get the trigger email Subject and Body (for instance)? As far as I see, the trigger pass some string type arguments to the process but none of them contain any information about the email
Input Values: Object
UiPathEventConnector: uipath-google-gmail
UiPathEventObjectType: Message
UiPathEventObjectId: 18c1b3217020d84a
UiPathTime: Wed Nov 29 2023 14:12:06 GMT+0100 (Central European Standard Time)
UiPathAdditionalEventData: {"processedEventId":"pp-794c3476-7930-438d-87e3-25e01a9f57f3-258777-1701263527005"}
I guess that the process could use Use Gmail
activity, however this is not optimal at all (it will trigger the OAuth 2.0 Authentication in the machine, this is not a good scenario for unattended machines, as it would open the browser and ask for authentication
Any ideas about this?
Thanks a lot guys,