Getting this error in dispatcher

@Gaurav07 Please check for the Queuename property in add queue item activity. It might be empty.


Can you check if you have provided the Queue Name to which the items has to be added ?

can you please check that in the properties pane ?

Hi @Gaurav07
You are getting this error because the Queue name you passed is incorrect or may be you forgot to pass the Queue name, check that please…


no I did all this still I am getting this error.

Queue Item name is fetched from the sheet!!!


In the config file there will be a row OrchestratorQueue with the name of the Queue in front of it!!!
Now again you will need to be have orchestrator connected with your bot as well

I have connected bot with orchestrator but I guess I giving incorrect values for queue name in config and workflow. Please see the screenshot below -

Did you create a queue in the Orchestrator ?


and now I have changed config file as below

give queue name as static and test the add queue item are working or not and check how you getting queue name from config file.

I guess this is working fine and queue items are getting added to the orchestrator

. one thing- how to give queue name as static?
Now I am facing trouble with passing credentials. is this argument defined correctly -

config -

Check the below image.
give queue name directly

use get credentials activity
@Gaurav07 my suggestion is please follow the uipath academy videos it really useful to beginner
follow the link

Try to pass the queue name directly inside the " " and use GetAsset and GetCredential activity instead of passing through Config file…
