Getting text from website using OCR

Hello developers, I need to retrieve text from a website. I couldn’t do this with the GetText activity, can I do it with OCR? Or does anyone have a different recommendation?

Hello @tolgademir ,

if Get text is not working then you can try with Get OCR Text activity.

Also may I know whether the data is present as normal text or inside any image? Becase usually get text will work in this case. Also you can try with App/Web recorder to Get text on this element for a recheck.

it is normal text

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Which OCR engine would you recommend I use?

The I think it should work with Get text activity. Give a try with App/Web recorder once.

Better to use Tessaract ocr. You can first try with that and try with other OCR engines also.

Suggestable is tessaract.

If you were able to copy paste the text then going with selector will be a reliable option !


I still haven’t been able to fix the problem, anyone have any other suggestions?

Any possibility to access that website from our side??

Hello @tolgademir ,

I’m able to fetch those values from the webpage. Plz find the screenshot below. I haveatteched the workflow which i have created.
image (435.9 KB)

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