Why am I getting this error?
@neha.verma Hi you need to have test cases in your project to publidh test cases.
@Mohammad_Irfan I have Main.xaml and other workflows that are covering my scenario. Is there any explicit TestCase.xaml that I need?
Hi @neha.verma ,
Please right click on the XAMLs and click Convert to Test Case before publishing them
The sub-xamls(children) can remain as they are, just the main has to be converted to Test Case in your case (pun not intended)
Kind Regards,
Ashwin A.K
Hi @neha.verma ,
i think you have chosen the test automation template while creating project. in this case you need to create test cases in your project and also right click those test cases and click the option set as publishable to make them publishable.
in this way you can avoid the error you are facing and able to publish the project into orchestrator. thanks
if you want to create simple project select process template instead of test automation project template while creating project in studio.
Thanks a lot Ashwin!
If you are using REF then you’ll automatically get test cases else you need to convert one.
if you already have one then right click and set as publishable.
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