Getting "Click generic error while clicking a button

In application, I am trying to click a tab but I am seeing an error “Click generic error”

can anyone suggest how to overcome this issue


Kindly enable simulate click property and try again

and change waitforproperty to complete and increase the timeoutMS morethan 30 sec - the default value

Hope this would help you


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Hello @pridhvimallikharjun,
Can you show screen of your activity (please hide any sensitive data) and also please show us the error if it’s possible.

I am seeing a different error when enabled simulation click .
added delay activity for 30 sec before click


It seems like you are getting a new popup right…?

If so use attach window activity and then place that click activity, the reason the click activity is not able to find the element in the window, thats why buddy…

Hope this would help you


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Its working, Thanks

one more case!

it is not clicking the button also an error message, not seen. It is moving to the next step

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Thats amazing buddy, may i know what was that new error…

There is no error. it is not clicking the button and moving to next step

Buddy…Did you enable the simulate click property in the click activity within attach window activity.


No, I did not enabled it

Enable that buddy it would click

Yes tried… error message says “Invalid mode parameter in CLick method”

Can i see the error screenshot buddy

This Error comes because i think your trying to click on drop down or menu items, uipath validate this selector but while running the code it unable to find it…so it will throw click generic error.

try to use send key activity.


I think the application you are working is a java, need to install Java Extensions.