Getting an error while creating a Machine Template!have just given a random machine template name and provision button is still blocked!Thanks for any help!

Getting an error while creating a Machine Template!!!have just given a random machine template name and provision button is still blocked!!Thanks for any help!!!
Screenshot 2023-09-23 162240|690x366


It’s indicating that when you create a machine template in UiPath Orchestrator, you need to allocate at least one execution slot to that machine template.
This execution slot represents the capacity for running automation processes on the machine associated with the template.
So you can allocate at least one execution slot by specifying the number of runtimes or capacity for that machine.
In any of these fields

The exact location and wording may vary depending on your Orchestrator version.

Once you’ve allocated an execution slot to the machine template, you should be able to proceed with creating the template

Hope this helps

Cheers @Sai_Kumar_111

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Thank you Palaniyappan.Thias helped. :blush:

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If it’s clarified
Would recommend to close this topic

Cheers @Sai_Kumar_111

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