We have the following problem: we need to get all new queues, get their reference, get all unique references in order to start some jobs depending on reference id’s.
The output for Get Queue Items activity is of type IEnumerable which can be grouped by reference (list.GroupBy(Function(m) m.Reference)), resulting an object of type IEnumerable<IGrouping<String,QueueItem>>.
Here is where I’m stuck, I really don’t know how to get the reference for each group. Probably is something simple but I don’t get it.
I appreciate your help, even new ideas for solving this scenario.
Hi Ashwin,
Yes I tried that but each item is of type Grouping<String, QueueItem> , another block in my head as I don’t know how to extract the required property.
Hi @liviu.onet
Use item.SpecificContent(“ColumnName”).ToString
Check this for reference
Ashwin S
I don’t understand why are you using Get Queue Items activity instead of Get Transaction Item, as I can imagine, robot/robots will take item for a queue, one by one, so when you use Get Transaction Item activity, you can simple check what kind of reference that transaction item has and do sometging depend on that reference.
Could you explain for what purpose you use Get Queue Items activity?
Hey @rado
As I know, using Get Transaction Item will change status for a queue to “In Progress”, am I right? I don’t want to get any queue in order to be processed, it’s just for logging, at least for this process.