I used the “Excel For Each Row” activity (search for “fill form from Excel”) to effectively “loop” the relevant activities until there are no more values to enter.
Did anyone get the solution to select the items from the Industry drop down list.
Clearly select items does not work as it seems the drop down list is not an HTML functionality but a custom one ( as mentioned in one of the forums) . Then i tried to use ‘click’ but could not get the desired result .
Tried to go further and select the Industry also maybe I will find out later what activity to use in order to search the industry from the excel in the drop down from the website and select the respective value. Nice exercise!
Also used Click - first to click the drop down menu, and then to click the desired Industry - however, don’t know how to match the industry from the excel with the correspondent from drop down - I guess we are not there yet
@Catalin_Marginean yes I guess so … maybe it’s covered in decisions, iterations , as you mentioned in the later topics.
However if you really want to give a try before that, one such solution would be -
Use click activity on the drop-down icon
Use if condition to check the value from Excel -column industry.
3.Nest a click activity within the if statement where you indicate and select the industry.
Repeat steps 2 and 3 for all the list values.
It worked for me , however I am not sure if this is the best practice in designing … Think of situation where you have to select countries or states or graduation degree… The list may contain n number of options.
Hi, When I Use resource “Use Excel File” and nest the activities, it shows me can error “Warning: The Click before typing property is relevant only for the Hardware Events Input mode. For all other methods it is not taken into consideration.”
However, it successfully runs the process.
So, not sure what this means and how to resolve it.
@Nishant_Kelshikar “Warning: The Click before typing property is relevant only for the Hardware Events Input mode. For all other methods it is not taken into consideration.”
For the above warning, Select None in the Click Before typing drop down. It will resolve your issue.
Robot Path Steps are key to building the automation. Very granular and detailed, but that is what is required to implement the automation successfully.