Use the Get Queue Items activity to retrieve multiple queue items. You can store these items in a collection variable, such as a List of QueueItem type, to loop through them.
Use a For Each activity to loop through the queueItems collection.
Set the Type Argument of the For Each activity to UiPath.Core.QueueItem.
To update the transaction status, you can use the Set Transaction Status activity inside the loop. Here’s how you can do it:
Add a Set Transaction Status activity inside the For Each loop.
For the TransactionItem property, use the current item from the loop.
Here, item represents the current item in the loop.
→ Set the TransactionStatus property to the desired status, such as Success or Failed.
→ You can also provide additional information, such as a transaction-specific message or data.
After updating the transaction status, continue looping through the remaining queue items.
This sample snippet might help you with the visualization:
Assign: queueItems = Queue.GetQueueItems("YourQueueName", 100)
For Each item In queueItems
Set Transaction Status:
TransactionItem = item
TransactionStatus = "Success"
TransactionSpecificData = "Additional information if needed"
End For Each
yeah you can still add a FLOWCHART inside your sequence
search as FLOWCHART in activity panel then and drag and drop it inside the sequence you have @Hazem_Saleh
Hello Again,
Im a bit confused here. you are totally right but my challenge is when i get list of queue item and start to process one i cant update the progress! i need to get transactional item first then i can set item progress!
I want to set the current item from the get Queue item collection to in progress
and of course set transaction status to complete after its been process,
If i havdo while (Condition )
get transaction item.
2… process
set status
its work perfectly
but my challenge im getting all item at once (im unsure if its good practice or not)
This isn’t how you’re supposed to work with queue items. You don’t use Get Queue Items to get a bunch of them and work on them. You use Get Transaction to get one queue item, and work on it. Finish it, then get the next one.