Hi there,
Anybody explain how to ‘Set transaction status’ for ‘Get queue items’ ? or we can ‘Set transaction status’ to only ‘Get transaction item’ activity ?
Hi there,
Anybody explain how to ‘Set transaction status’ for ‘Get queue items’ ? or we can ‘Set transaction status’ to only ‘Get transaction item’ activity ?
Have a look on the video
Get Queue item → Get Queue item activity enables you to retrieve a list of up to 100 transactions from an indicated queue, according to multiple filters, such as creation date, priority, state and reference
Set Transaction status → Set Transaction Status component sets the transaction status of a record as either successful or failure
EG → The Set Transaction Status component is configured to set the status of the Transaction Record as Successful
Hello @Muralikrishna_Surve ,
Get Transaction Item will give you single queue Item whereas Get Queue Items will give you collection of Queue Items, you can set the status of Get Queue Items by looping over the collection and passing a Single Queue item to Set Transaction Status activity.
Get queue items won’t mark the queue items to “In Progress”, and set transaction item activity only allows the item which is already being processed, whose status is already in “In Progress”, otherwise you will get this error: