Get Outlook Mail Messages for Course Invoices: The specified folder does not exist

I’m doing the “Build Your First Process With Studio” course at the UiPath Academy. In this course, we have to check an Excel file sent in an Outlook email. For this, I followed all the steps but the tutorial does not show how to set up outlook email with the studio. The error I get is “Get Outlook Mail Messages for Course Invoices: The specified folder does not exist”. I tried adding the email address to a variable and writing the variable in the “Account” field, but that didn’t work. I even created a new UiPath account with my Microsoft account and still it doesn’t work. Every time I get the same error. Below is a screenshot of the process workflow.

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GetOutlookMailMessage->Properties->Provide the Account->Ex:


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I entered the email address as a string in the “Account” field but it still shows the same error, “Get Outlook Mail Messages: The specified folder does not exist”.

Hi @KabirCampwala, Microsoft Outlook activities will help you with email automation when you are using the outlook application. Before starting your automation, make sure you are logged in to Outlook. Please bear in mind that it is not necessary to have the application open.

Hello! I was logged in to Outlook before performing the process. Also, I tried to run it with the mail application open and closed but it doesn’t work in either scenario.