Get OCR Text 'IMG': Error performing OCR: Invalid API key specified UiPathOCRInvalidApiKey

Get OCR Text ‘IMG’: Error performing OCR: Invalid API key specified UiPathOCRInvalidApiKey

Hi @basanth,
Posting only error stack on Forum will not help you to solve the problem and will not help us either to figure out what is going on. Please give us some more details and describe what you did, where problem occurred and if you tried to debug it?

hi @Pablito ,
Thanks for your spending time and for your response.
Let me comeback with the detailed scenario for this issue.

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Hi @basanth,
I assume you have used Get OCR Text activity with UiPath Screen OCR engine and didn’t provide logon data. You can change the OCR engine within the actvity. For example Tesseract OCR doesn’t require authentication info.

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Hi @Pablito I also have faced this error
I am trying to detect this error popup at the bottom which pop up for few seconds.I am using get_OCR text activity is it valid approch or guide me please.
What i want is:
There are two types of Popups, Red and Green(in img) i want to make condition on the bases of these popups , Example: If red popup occur i want it to refresh the page, if green popup occur i want it to logout. Hope you got my point

Hi @delayab133,
In that case, you could try to work with the Element Exist activity.

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Please Use the Tesseract OCR Engine to extract the data from the Image. I hope it will not cause any error.