Uipath OCR Invalid API key Error in Uipath Document OCR

I am using UiPath Document OCR in Digitize document activity, I have taken the API key from admin and provided the API key but still getting the error as OCR invalid API Key. Need your help in fixing the issue

Hi @vinithareddyk123

Did you set API key in UiPath DocumentOCR activity? Usually, we can get it from License - Admin - AutoamtionCloud.


Yes I have provided API which I have taken from Admin , License and AI controls but still getting the error as uipathOCRInvalidApiKey

Hi @vinithareddyk123

Can you share the screenshot please.


Facing the same issue - tgis same error was previously occured in the Classify workflow.
using the correct API Key

Retry Scope - Digitize: Request CorrelationId: 2440a409-b972-4727-a702-1e2a00a548df
Request PredictionId: r8cbJih9OOAMumwDsiG223qLsF3GR2VE/e2xGCnK+6g=_26a53393-849c-4432-99a8-7d39ddfb1544
Error performing OCR: Invalid API key specified UiPathOCRInvalidApiKey