Get From name of Outlook item when send on behalf of

Hi Expert

I have a process where I have to click on a mail in in order for another program to import the selected mail in Outlook.

I have build a selector that looks at the content of the From, Subject and Date column in Outlook which also works fine.

However in some cases mails are send on behalf of another mailbox and it will show the Mailbox name in the From column in Outlook. However when I am iterating through the mail items fetched with the Get Outlook Mail Messages activity the sender/display name is shown as the user who send the mail - not the “on behalf of” mailbox.

Is there a way around this? Can I get mailbox that was used when sending on behalf of somewhere in the mailitem?

Hi @jacchr,

I have the same problem. Have you solved it yet?

Thanks a lot

Hi @jan.exner

Unfortunately I never found a solution for this - as far as I could see there is no option to get the details from the mail item when it is send on behalf of. I ended up with passing these mails to manual handling if the subject and time stamp in Outlook did not match.