Hello in the Asset creation in orchestrated you don’t to need to use config(””).To string in the asset name. It should be used in the flow while getting the asset.
So asset names you can add as it is as in 2nd column in the config file(your first screenshot). Remove those Config(””).ToString, then it will work
No…i mean in the second screenshot which you shared… I hope that is the screen shot of the Asset page. Inside that you need to provide the Name alone and Config(””).Tostring not required
You don’t use the asset name inside config. You use the NAME from the Config file. Each entry in the Config file has a name and value. Config is a dictionary ie name/value paris.
For example, the name “ECC Connection Name” has value SAPConnectionName so Config(“ECC Connection Name”).ToString returns SAPConnectionName.
Here the first screenshot is the Asset page… There you declared an Asset name.
In the config file you have Name and Value column. So the asset name which you created in the orchestrator needs to add to the Value column and you need to provide a Name in the config( suppose “FirstVal” is the name(key)and “SAP readiness check Credential” is the value in the config file(value). So it’s a dictionary.
You have to use Config(”FirstVal”).ToString in the get asset activity.
No. If you use the Assets sheet, it automatically gets the value from the asset and puts it into the Config dictionary. You don’t need the Get Asset activity in that case.
But you can’t do that for credentials.
He is using the regular Settings sheet that gives the NAME of the asset, and you use THAT in your Get Asset.
In your config sheet you have NAME “ECC Connection Name” and VALUE “SAPConnectionName”
so if you use Config(“ECC Connection Name”).ToString in your code it gives you the string SAPConnectionName.
So when you put Config(“ECC Connection Name”).ToString into your Get Credentials activity, it gets the credentials from the Asset named SAPConnectionName.