I tried to remove asset data from config excel file,
when I execute my framework is giving the error.
“message”: “System error at initialization: The given key was not present in the dictionary. at Source: mscorlib”,
“level”: “Fatal”,
“logType”: “User”,
“timeStamp”: “08:16:51”,
“processVersion”: “1.0.6784.14903”,
“fileName”: “Main”,
“jobId”: “23a2ca04-e5fe-49c2-b30b-7fc2cb0517d6”,
“robotName”: “yoganandareddy”
If you are saving the credentials in the Assets sheet in Config.xlsx, then you might be wrong.
Double check if you have done these :
1 . Store the credential variable on the Settings sheet.
Name - System1_Credential
Value - your credential (asset) name as in orchestrator
Your System1_Login.xaml workflow should be accepting an argument for Credentials. You should be using that argument within that workflow to get the credentials from orchestrator using Get Credential activity
While invoking the System1_Login.xaml workflow you should be passing the argument for credentials, the one that you saved in Config.xlsx
but now I am not getting any error on assets, the error is as follows once I execute my framework
“message”: “System error at initialization: The given key was not present in the dictionary. at Source: mscorlib”,
“level”: “Fatal”,
“logType”: “User”,
“timeStamp”: “08:16:51”,
“processVersion”: “1.0.6784.14903”,
“fileName”: “Main”,
“jobId”: “23a2ca04-e5fe-49c2-b30b-7fc2cb0517d6”,
“robotName”: “yoganandareddy”
There should be a mismatch in the way that you have mentioned the variable name in the Config.xlsx sheet and when you are using the variable to pass it on to a workflow.
Possibly check for white spaces before and after the variable names.