Ger the this error

I have used element exisit activity. when I run in debugging mode it’s gave value True and when I run in normal mode it give me the value False. can anyone let me know please.

Hi @balkishan,
Could you please share more details? Which element are you trying to check? How about properties and selector etc?

Hi @balkishan,

Kindly provide more details to take this next level…


@Palaniyappan @Pablito

Hi I am checking the element wheather it’s exist or not for this I have used the Element Exist activity then I use the If statement if exist then yes if not then goes to the else part. But it taking some time to display the next page and the element is exisit. But the bot is goes to the else part instead of goes to Then part. I have select the accurat element using UIExplorer. Please help

Please check properties of this activity. Seems that it’s trying to check element before it’s loaded. Try to experiment with WaitForReady option (change it to COMPLETE).

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I already changed it to Complete. But still it it goes to the Else part. An the element exist on the page.

What about selector? Have you checked if when you stop the process which went wrong the selector has green status?

No problem buddy…

Increase the timeoutMS more than 3000, may be thattime might not be enough to wait till element exists…

Kindly increase that time and try once

You are doing good… and this will work for sure


Yes I select the accurat selector only, It shows me the green and higlighted the right element.

@Pablito @Palaniyappan when I debug it it give me the True value when I run in normal mode it give me false value and display the Else result.


Ok fine…

Kindly use FIND ELEMENT activity first and take is output as input to element exists activity, then try to proceed with if condition.

Lets make sure whether element appears even in normal mode.


That’s why for me it looks like your activity is trying to check something faster than it loads. In debug mode it’s slower so it has time to load everything in the background. Try to put Delay activity before it and set it for couple seconds.


Yah @Pablito

you are right…

buddy kindly increase the time with timeoutMS property in element exists activity…your workflow will work


@Palaniyappan Thanks bro It’s worked :slight_smile:
Thanks to @Pablito :slight_smile:


Hi @Palaniyappan and @Pablito sorry for the inconvenience, today also I face the issue can you tell me the permanent solution.
Debbuging it gives the right value but in normal mode, it gives the false value. The selector is valid. After given the Timeout 10000…

Hi @balkishan it is possible that website is loading that much time?

sorry didn’t get you can you please explain it more what you want to ask?

I mean that your Element exist activity is checking an element on website/program. Can you somehow check if in fact this website/program is not loading such amount of time. This could be the reason why this activity need to wait almost 10 seconds to work.

It’s uploading in 10-11 sec but then Element Exist show the false value.

Hi @balkishan,

Can i see the element exist selector if possible…
