Ger the this error

yes bro…

Alright lets do one thing, just a try out,

Will use image exist instead of element exists, the reason is i have a doubt with aastate of the element that you are looking for, whether it is enabled or disabled when the page opens. So lets try with image exists for instance…

and try to run in both the way like in debug mode and normal mode

Lets try to sort this out buddy…! @balkishan

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Checked…It doesn’t working bro…

kindly remove string the selector property in image exists activity and place that activity inside a attach window container…
like this

Am also trying different works,let’s do this


Not working bro…because window will changed if true then diff screen if not then other.

Hi @balkishan

Thats why buddy use attach window for the same

I have used the attached window bro the Image Exist inside it. It doens’t work


Buddy…can i have a view on your xaml…if possible

remove css-selector, parent id and add class ,
increase time out property little bit more