How to pass dynamic values into HTML element Component ? like src, data attribute values ?
Hi Ramesh,
Could you please schedule a call and inform the time slot?
Do you get data from the forms?
Is there a way to add a Select Folder option to a form? I basically want the user to select a folder location that I will store as a variable to save files in the downstream processes.
When I try to publish a process using those packages, the packages are not uploaded to Orchestrator. And I am getting the following error: Error: Cannot create unknown type {‘}InvokeWorkflowFile’.
What are the exact versions of your activity packages?
Is it possible to update them to the latest versions and then try again?
Working on a first use case already with this new package, awesome feature! When are you planning the production-ready release?
Can a form be created dynamically, at runtime ?
I think it is possible, see this timestamp of the video:
I will need to learn myself how to create the entity objects, but it looks like you can already pass a variable with all the fields that can presumably also be set dynamically.
I have already tried, but it seems that the structure you pass in there is generated at design only when you click Open Form Designer.
I am trying to hide some of the controls in the form based on the drop-down selection.But it doesn’t work properly. can someone help me out and tell me how to do it.
I have tried the below
Thanks in Advance
I found the answer myself. I need to use the value without quotes.It worked. Form Activity simply superb.
Question concerning populating dropdowns:
I have a JSON-file/string which I pass to the form using FormFieldsInputData. What I would like to achieve is that a drop-down is populated with the options (label/value) from the JSON-string. Say e.g. the object looks as follows:
“Cars” :
“brand”: “Audi”,
“code”: “A001”
“brand” : “Mercedes”,
“code” : “M001”
Then, the user is presented with options Audi and Mercedes and the form returns values A001 and M001. How would I go about this requirement?
Yes. that’s correct. Dynamic build of forms at run-time is on our roadmap. What is your use case? When do you need to do this?
I have an attended workflow in which I read emails and I need to add a row for each attachment in order for the operator to choose the appropriate actions for each attachment.
Dears, Very useful Activity !!!
I managed to create one Form using this wonderful Activity, but I face the following Issues :
1- Data are duplicated in the “Drop-Down-List”
2- Not able to get the output from “Gendre” & “Country” in Msg Box
Attached is my example. Thanks in Advance (25.0 KB)
Any news when you are likely to release Form Activities?
I’m trying to render in the form the values of a Datatable, but I didn’t manage to load the Datatable to the form, only can load each value for each input variable.
Is there any way to load the datatable dynamically to the form?
Best regards
This feature seems really interesting, is it possible to use this feature with a dispatcher/processor implementation ?
One job would create task to be approved/completed then stop (or maybe start again and create new tasks) and another job would start once a task is completed.
Best Regards,
Hi @mittol_ldc
2019.10 brings in the Long Running Workflow feature (in Studio visible under the Orchestration Process template), see our docs here:
You can also have a look at this topic, it has a nice example of usage with the Form: