I am not able to find the create Form activity in the Package list. Can anyone help me out this?
Hi @SrenivasanKanna
Sorry but i cant help for now ,yet i haven’t experience using that activities.But i do a reasearch and hope this article might be helpful to you.
Happy learning
Thank you @pattyricarte , I go through this article but i don’t know where i get this activity.
May I know what version of Uipath studio are you using ?
Could you please help me with screenshot of Package sources you configured in Uipath studio. So that we can have a look and help you.
Hey ! @pattyricarte and @lakshman
Found the solution, Thanks for your assistance.
Here is the Package name to Design the Form.
Thanks and Regards,
Srenivasan Kannan
Great. Happy Automation
Yey great @SrenivasanKanna
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