Formatting error on OData query

Good morning UiPath Forum,

I am having a problem with an OData filter. I am simply trying to query the ID on a SharePoint list and return the one list item with that ID number. I have tried all of the following but continue to get the error shown in the image. I’d greatly appreciate your assistance on formatting the OData query properly. Many thanks,


Hi @jamiejam
i think the id should be numeric value so if this assumption is correct you need to avoid adding single or double quotes around numeric values for ID

Update your filter expression in the For Each List Item activity to:

ID eq 21

If fields/ is required (depending on your SharePoint list structure):

fields/ID eq 21

if above not working please make sure that the ID field exists and matches your SharePoint list’s schema. please try and update us if you still face issue :slight_smile:

Thanks VERY much @mahmoud.zaky . “fields/ID eq 21” worked.