For Each List Item error on OData filter - "Expression Activity type 'VisualBasicValue`1' requires compilation in order to run. Please ensure that the workflow has been compiled."

Good afternoon UiPath Forum,

I am trying to setup the For Each List Item activity with an OData filter as follows.

  • “ID eq “+ “'” + in_transactionitem.specificcontent(“ID”).tostring +”'" OR
  • “fields/ID eq “+ “'” + in_transactionitem.specificcontent(“ID”).tostring +”'"

I am trying to filter for the SharePoint list item with the ID equal to the ID on the queue item. The error message I get is “Expression Activity type ‘VisualBasicValue`1’ requires compilation in order to run. Please ensure that the workflow has been compiled.”

The image of the error is attached. Can someone assist regarding what I missed on the OData filter? Most appreciated as always.


Typically, this error is caused by double quote except 0x22 character (") .
First, can you try to replace (retype) all the double quote with 0x22 character (")?

And expression will be as the following.

"ID eq "+ """" + in_transactionitem.specificcontent("ID").tostring +""""+" OR fields/ID eq "+ """" + in_transactionitem.specificcontent("ID").tostring +""""


Thanks very much @Yoichi . I am now getting an error as follows. I still have an error in the overall request content. My initial review of OData query used was finding samples showing that an apostrophe is a necessary character in the mix of that string.

For example, “ID eq ‘1595’”

I’m thinking I need to get that into my OData filter string so apostrophes surround the value. Can you help there?

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