Get Single List Item - Filter Fails without List Picker

UiPath.MicrosoftOffice365.Activities = 2.7.24

Using SharePoint Activities with Integration Service connection.

I use Get Single List Item without the list picker, so I pass the list ID and site URL as variables. I want to get a specific item by ID. The “Filter By ID” button disappears when I change the list picker to “Enter URL.”

Screenshot 2024-12-03 203732

When I try to set the filter as “ID equals variable”, the activity throws an error:

RemoteException wrapping UiPath.MicrosoftOffice365.Office365Exception: The request is malformed or incorrect. —> RemoteException wrapping UiPath.MicrosoftOffice365.Office365InternalException: Code: invalidRequest
Message: A provided field name is not recognized

Image1: 2 activities configured as same; first one doesn’t have any filters, the second one has a filter.

Image2: The filter window of the second activity:

Image3: The activity with the filter failed with an exception: Get Single List Item: The request is malformed or incorrect.

How to filter by ID while using the “Enter URL” option instead of the “List Picker”?


just to verify did you happen to try to add filter and then variablize the list pickers?

also is the column name correct?


@Anil_G Hi

Yes, the filter is changing to an empty field in this case. And yes, the column name is “ID”, it’s a default column.


as per error A provided field name is not recognized …ID might be wrong…

or it might be that in the columns to retreive it might be expecting the ID column as well…try to add it and check…


Please try to replicate the error by trying the same case. I explained it in detail in the first post.


Wanted you to check as I tried same without intergation services and it worked…with adding column name in retreived columns and then fitlering

unfortunately I dont have access to integration services…so wanted you to check the same…

as far as activity is concerned I believe the filtering is happening after retreival…and if we donot include that column in the columns to retreive then it might not filter and that might be causing the error


Hi @Anil_G

I tried your suggestion and added “ID” to the Columns to retrieve but this didn’t fix the issue.

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