Using SharePoint Activities with Integration Service connection.
I use Get Single List Item without the list picker, so I pass the list ID and site URL as variables. I want to get a specific item by ID. The “Filter By ID” button disappears when I change the list picker to “Enter URL.”
When I try to set the filter as “ID equals variable”, the activity throws an error:
RemoteException wrapping UiPath.MicrosoftOffice365.Office365Exception: The request is malformed or incorrect. —> RemoteException wrapping UiPath.MicrosoftOffice365.Office365InternalException: Code: invalidRequest
Message: A provided field name is not recognized
Image1: 2 activities configured as same; first one doesn’t have any filters, the second one has a filter.
Wanted you to check as I tried same without intergation services and it worked…with adding column name in retreived columns and then fitlering
unfortunately I dont have access to integration services…so wanted you to check the same…
as far as activity is concerned I believe the filtering is happening after retreival…and if we donot include that column in the columns to retreive then it might not filter and that might be causing the error