For Each List Item supported OData filters

There’s a list of example OData filters provided at Activities - For Each List Item but when trying to apply a filter supported in Microsoft Graph API Use the filter query parameter to filter a collection of objects - Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Learn of fields/ID in (‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’) I get an error:

For Each Item in SharePoint List: Code: invalidRequest
Message: Invalid request
Inner error:
date: 2023-11-28T03:16:09
request-id: 35c46ca4-a8e9-43c9-9ae4-2dd4600197d2
client-request-id: 35c46ca4-a8e9-43c9-9ae4-2dd4600197d2
ClientRequestId: 35c46ca4-a8e9-43c9-9ae4-2dd4600197d2

What is the full list of filters supported, as in should be supported based on Microsoft documentation.

I am using UiPath.MicrosoftOffice365.Activities v1.11.1.

I can use an OData filter of fields/ID eq ‘1’ or fields/ID eq ‘2’ or fields/ID eq ‘3’ and that works but this is clunky and it should be noted on the activity documentation that some filters aren’t supported instead of leaving it for people to find out via trial and error.