Using “for each” loop posting the data to specific cells in Excel.
On the first iteration the data passes correctly to cell “I2”. We expect on the next loop (where new data is scraped) this new data should be passed to cell “I3” and then to “I4” on next loop etc etc
However this is not happening, the data is being passed to cells “I20”, “I21” etc etc??
If someone could please assist with reviewing the workflow and excel sheet which we have uploaded with a view to resolving the issue
In the Write Range activity you use "I2"&(MyRow)+Counter+1 for starting cell property which will give you exactly your result: “I20”, “I21”, etc.
Maybe you should use something like "I"&(2+ MyRow).
When I use “I”&(2+ MyRow).the next data in the loop populates in same cell ie “I2”
Our requirement is that In each iteration of the loop the next new data scraped from the App should be populated in cell “I3”, next new data in cell"I4 and next new data in cell “i5” etc etc?
How do we update the expression to facilitate this?